Clean canals in Venice
A new world awaits us.
Whilst we are still in the ‘eye of the storm’ with regard to the global effects of the COVID-19 virus, the way we relate and interact in the future is likely to be different to pre-outbreak of this virus.
Chris Kresser (, suggests that we may predict the following changes to life as we know it:
- Working from home or remotely will become the norm
- There will be more digital than physical transactions
- People will tend to eat at home rather than eating out
- There will be an effort to support the local economy versus the global economy
- Telehealth will become the norm
- Wellness, health and nutrition will dominate the field of medicine and healthcare
I’m sure you can add a number of other predictions.
Some of these adjustments will be difficult. But they also open up great opportunities for entrepreneurs and businesses who are prepared to make courageous changes. Interestingly, a common theme that appears to course through this entire pandemic is a heightened awareness of our social and physical environment.
Goats roaming a quiet high street in Wales
There have been hundreds of videos of inspiring acts of community spirit and surprising animal encounters throughout this crisis. From the people singing out their apartment windows in Italy, to delighted goats roaming an empty high street in Wales, and wild boar in a formerly crowded area in Spain, to regular applause or clapping by communities in solidarity with their local health services, free musical, theatre production videos, celebrities putting out inspiring social media messages to their fans, and so much more.
I would love to hear your inspiring stories. How are you coping with the lockdown? Do you have an inspiring story to share with us? Instagram: @lynne.campbellgillies #lovetoinspire #psychealth