Lynne Campbell-Gillies Counselling Psychologist and Life Coach

Shoot for the Moon

All sessions are held in the relaxed privacy of my home-office. I look forward to assisting you!
Lynne Campbell-Gillies Durban Psychologist
Shoot for the Moon


“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars” – Les Brown


Many are experiencing fear and hopelessness at this extraordinary time in our human history. It is not clear whether we will end up in hospital with an extremely contagious Covid-19 virus, or be unable to pay our bills, feed our children, or care for our elderly because our sources of income have suddenly disappeared. Or all of these options. A dismal, dark scenario.


But even in the darkest of times, the human spirit seems to find a spark of light. And this is a testament to human resilience. Viktor Frankl, the Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist and survivor of the Nazi concentration camps, said: “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”


Everyone is experiencing this human challenge in their own unique way. So much is being learned by us as individuals and on a collective level. We hear stories of compassion, survival, loss and sadness, inspiration, awakenings and more. All of these experiences are contributing to a ‘new world,’ a more conscious, kind and caring world.


So, ‘shoot for the moon’ in whatever way works for you. As you do, know that offering an uplifting thought or word has the effect of an energetic star in a seemingly dark sky, lighting the way for others.


Some tips when feeling overwhelmed

  • There’s no right or wrong way to experience your feelings. Acknowledge them. They’re real for you. Consider journaling. Describing your feelings by writing regularly in a journal is an excellent form of self-therapy.
  • If you’re feeling very anxious do a “Grounding Technique“. A simple exercise is: Look around you, breathe nice and deeply, and then name out loud:
    • 5 things you can see,
    • 4 things you can feel
    • 3 things you can hear
    • 2 things you can smell
    • 1 thing you can taste
  • Limit the amount of social media you watch or listen to. Your nervous system is already in a state of overwhelm. Find other, more nurturing distractions such as playing or listening to music, baking, exercising.
  • Do a regular meditation or yoga routine. There is more than enough evidence that points to the healing and restorative qualities of establishing physiological and mental calm. Check this link out:
  • Eat and sleep well. Sometimes this may be easier said than done. The more you pay attention to nurturing your mind-body with healthy food and good quality sleep, the more you are able to take back control.
  • If you are really struggling and feel unable to cope, contact a professional or speak to someone you trust. Remember Lifeline is an excellent and free resource (0861 322 322).

Stay safe, friends!



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Pick Harmony Over Agony

Someone who has good emotional self-regulation has the ability to keep their emotions in check. They can resist impulsive behaviors that might worsen their situation, and they can cheer themselves up when they’re feeling down.


Thank you for all the patience you gave me as I slowly rediscovered myself. I have learned a lot during this time.

Thank you for all you have taught me. Your work has proved to me that psychology in practice can and really does make a difference in people’s lives, and mine in particular

Lynne has shown our family great support.

From the moment I met Lynne, she put me at ease and I felt completely comfortable sharing anything with her. Lynne is incredibly empathetic and insightful and was able to help me find the answers I needed to help myself. Lynne has a knack for making sense of your confused thinking and feelings and putting things into perspective. Even though I no longer see her regularly, when I’m troubled with something, I’ll still make an appointment to see her just to touch base, to re-centre my thoughts and to find a bit of clarity. She’s an incredible counselling psychologist that I would recommend to anyone.